PostCovid : Way Forward for #Hospitality

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Covid Stay Home Message

low occupancy, downfall in the business, a major hit on Hotel revenues. What are your personal /professional views on how to kick-start the revenue growth cycle in particular and what measures can be taken by Hospitality Business so as to promote Hotels and get back the customers into our properties?

[I received this 📩message on my Linkedin message window !!]

Views/Ideas/Strategies & Techniques?

Closed Hotel due to Covid. The impacted Hospitality business

🌟my Take : Hospitality is Simple. Was Simple. Will be Simple. Yes, the Pandemic has hurt the present & now. In a manner & magnitude not seen in recent memory(though tougher times do dot the human timeline). The fact that we in our lifetime haven’t seen one like this, make it “unique”. The Covid crisis is also likely to impact us for some more time(as i write this article on 14 Feb 2021). How much time? I don’t have an answer.

But, I have a “clear” answer to what need to be done: Keep the Customer at the center of all discussions on Views/Ideas/Strategies & Techniques. Also referred to by some as being close to Design Thinking.

Yes, one more aspect is “clear” & “certain”. The way we do business, the way we differentiate our services from the neighborhood competitor will change, will have to change; for Change is the ONLY constant.

Even in this hard hit Covid situation, few Covid STARS rewrote their Business Models & innovated enough to not just survive, but also thrive. Look around, you will see some. If you haven’t found one, just see carefully : Once again !!

It’s time for the 80%+ (I mean majority of businesses) to revisit how they attract their customers, how they will instill trust & how they will make one plan a visit with no hesitation or second thought.

Few tips, I feel some “Agile Brands” have already implemented and some who got inspired are in the process of learning [ 💥No brainer as to what will happen with the rest ]:

Food and Beverage Service . The Impacted Hospitality Business

>> Genuine care for your customer is the KEY.

>> How can you make your customer decision making process simpler?

>> What is the incentive for your customer to be there for you at your moment of need?

>> What is the “Value” that you are offering for your customer to come for. Value that stands out!!

>> Last but not the least, do note, Rome was not built in a day!! DO NOT make the mistake of making it a year of FULL Recovery !!

I have a simple recommendation(little wisdom) that can help all come out STRONGER !!

>> 🏆🥇make it an year of #Compassion and the rest will take care of itself !!

Recommendation : For more News & Updates from Hospitality space, please visit >>

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